The carbonate rock oil and gas reservoirs in China have low reservoir quality, deep burial, high heterogeneity, and poor connectivity of oil and gas reservoirs. Conventional hydraulic fracturing cannot satisfy the development needs of carbonate rocks. Acid fracturing is the main technique for enhancing the production of carbonate rock reservoirs both domestically and internationally.Conventional acid fracturing technique is the most common type of acid fracturing technique. It involves using retarded acid to directly create fractures in the formation and using the acid’s etching to create fractures with high flow capacity, which is a way to increase the formation permeability.
During acidizing, the acidic fluid tends to channel in the formation, causing a high acid concentration in the near-well area, over-acidizing, and a low acid concentration in the far-well area, under-acidizing, resulting in a short effective fracture length. Therefore, it is necessary to slow down the reaction rate between the acid and the rock during acidizing.
The acid dissolves the fracture wall into a rough surface by its dissolution effect. After stopping pumping and releasing pressure, the fracture wall cannot fully close, thus having a high flow capacity.
1、Liquid preparation
We have an excellent service team that will arrive at the site as soon as they get the production task.
2、Wells applied